The Foundation’s main aim is to promote, develop and coordinate, principally at Courmayeur, research, studies, experiments and the organisation of meetings for further analysis and to publish factual knowledge concerning contemporary social issues of law and economics, with a particular focus on the international context.

Search results

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Annals of the Courmayeur Foundation Mont Blanc - 2013

Annals of the Courmayeur Foundation Mont Blanc - 2013

Annals of the Courmayeur Foundation Mont Blanc - 2013

Basta Piangere! Storie di un’Italia che non si lamentava

Basta Piangere! Storie di un’Italia che non si lamentava

Presentation of the book "Basta Piangere! Storie di un’Italia che non si lamentava", published by Mondadori, with the participationof the author, Dr. Aldo Cazzullo
Courmayeur, Jardin de l'Ange, December 29, 2013, 06.00 p.m.

Protecting cultural heritage as a common good of humanity: a challenge for criminal justice

International Conference at the initiative of International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme / ISPAC on "Protecting cultural heritage as a common good of humanity: a challenge for criminal justice"
Courmayeur, December 13-15 2013

Rapporto sulla Situazione sociale della Valle d’Aosta. Cambiamenti e continuità nella società valdostana

Rapporto sulla Situazione sociale della Valle d’Aosta. Cambiamenti e continuità nella società valdostana

Presentation of the Report on the social situation in the Aosta Valley, in cooperation with the Aosta Valley Government and Censis-Centre for Social Studies and Policies
Aosta, December 12 2013

Living the Alps - Infrastructure in the territory

Living the Alps - Infrastructure in the territory

Modern Alpine architecture Meeting debate on "Living the Alps - Infrastructure in the territory", in cooperation with the Aosta Order of Architects
Aosta, October 19 2013

L’architettura del mondo. Infrastrutture, mobilità, nuovi paesaggi

Modern Alpine architecture Congress on "L’architettura del mondo. Infrastrutture, mobilità, nuovi paesaggi", in cooperation with the Aosta Order of Architects
Aosta, October 18 2013

Il diritto societario riformato: bilancio di un decennio e prospettive in un quadro europeo

Il diritto societario riformato: bilancio di un decennio e prospettive in un quadro europeo

XXVII Conference "Adolfo Beria di Argentine" on civil law
Courmayeur, September 20-21 2013

Mid-August Panorama: the economy, society, institutions

Meeting with Giovanni Maria Flick on "Crisi, legalità ed etica"
Courmayeur, Jardin de l'Ange, August 21 2013

Mid-August Panorama: the economy, society, institutions

Mid-August Panorama: the economy, society, institutions

Meeting with Giuseppe De Rita
Courmayeur, Jardin de l'Ange, August 17 2013

Mid-August Panorama: the economy, society, institutions

Meeting with Mario Deaglio
Courmayeur, Jardin de l'Ange, August 14 2013

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The Foundation activities

Via Roma, 88/d - 11013 Courmayeur (AO) - Aosta Valley - I
Tel . +39 0165 84 64 98 - Fax +39 0165 84 59 19
C.F. 91016910076

Our offices are open
Monday to Friday from 08.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m. and from 01.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m.